Middle School Tournaments

Greely Middle School Ultimate League:  Last year was the inaugural season of the Greely Middle School Ultimate League.  This year, again we will divide the kids into 4 equal co-ed teams for “League Games” (all kids - all ages).  This will provide the kids with tons of playing experience and gets as many kids as possible moving at one time while keeping them all engaged.  
League games will be on Mondays and Wednesday at Twin Brook fields (Tuttle Road) from 5:30 – 7:00 pm once we get outdoors.  PARENTS – please be prepared to stay, watch and cheer on you players for League games.  Would you drop your kid off for a Little League baseball game and not stay and watch?!?!?!?!

Games / Scrimmages:   We also plan to play schools from other towns.  “Friday Night Lights” will be back!!!   Last season, we had a number of games under the lights on Friday nights and it proved to be very popular.   Games will be on select Friday nights (but not all Fridays).   It sounds like there are a number of new middle school teams forming so I’m expecting there will be 6 - 8 other local teams this year!!  We have at least 3 tournaments scheduled this spring including Amherst, MA on 5/22.   Last year we brought a full co-ed team down to Amherst and had a blast!!
Because of our LARGE numbers, the players who are invited to participate in town games will vary from week to week depending upon a host of factors.  Some games will be open to all players - some games may be limited to all 5th and 6th graders and some to just 7th and 8th graders.  A lot will depend upon the make-up of our opponents team (big, small, young, old, experienced, inexperienced, field space, etc.).  All players will be invited to play in the Cumberland Invitational allowing everyone the opportunity to play in a least 1 tournament.  We will do our best to make sure that everyone who wants to play against other schools will have the chance.

May 7 - Cumberland Invitational (Saturday: 9 am – 4:00 pm):   Yes, this Mother’s Day Weekend Tradition is brought to you by Greely Ultimate.   We will be playing at the Firgrounds.  This tournament will be open to ALL CU players.

May 15 - Southern Maine Invitational (Sat of Memorial Day weekend):   To be held at the Wainwright fields in South Portland.  This tournament is Co-ed – we have 3 team spots.  CU participation will be limited based upon the number of teams we can bring.

May 21 Gregg Novick Middle School GIRLS Spring Classic:   To be held at Twin Brook from noon - 5pm.  This is the FIRST EVER ALL GIRLS middle school tournament EVER!!!!

May 22 - Amherst MS Tournament (Sunday all day):  This will be the 19th annual – it is a first class event put on by Amherst Middle School Ultimate, the best MS team in New England.  Information here: 
http://www.amherstultimate.org/arms/   We only have one team spot so this is co-ed for 7th and 8th graders ONLY (+/- 15 players).

June 12 - Maine States (Cumberland Fairgrounds):   We are still working out the details.   Stay tuned for more info….